Last August we took the kids to a local restaurant for supper. The restaurant isn't much to speak of in the way of frills, but it does have good basic food at good prices. Plus it has air which I don't, and on a stinky hot day, is a very good thing. When our meal was almost finished, DH and I were asked to fill in a questionnaire. These were then put into a draw. Yesterday, I got a call telling me that I won. (And yes if you look very closely, you can see a ball of yarn in my pantry...what's your point???)
This is what the gift basket contained.
Not a bad haul for the 60 seconds it took me to fill out the form. But do I think that it's kinda weird to win items for a BBQ, in mid November, when today the temperature went to zero degrees and we had flurries? Oh yes, it feels weird. But I'm ready for next year!
Until next time
Yours in Yarn,
The Fibreholic
Congratulations on your win. It looks like a fun basket, even if it is November.
Who says you cant bbq in snow flurries? Just send DH out in his nice warm woolly jumper.....oh yeah, OK, I see your point ;-)
Seriously, I love a cold weather barbie, especially if Im not the one cooking it!
What's wrong wioth a sno Barbie!! The sausages taste as good - and drink hot buttered rum!!
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