Sheep: My name is Woolworth.
ME: Woolworth?
Woolworth: Yes, that's right. I should also let you know that I'm a merino sheep.
ME: I don't believe it.
Woolworth: Honestly, my name is Woolworth.
ME: No, I don't believe that you're a merino.
Woolworth: Perhaps not, but I'm cute enough to get away with it.
DH adopted a Serta Sheep in my name. The money goes to the Children's Hospitals in Canada via the Children's Miracle Network. It looks like the adventures with Woolworth begin.
As I mentioned in my last post, I spent the better part of the day at the Knit-Out in Ottawa. I volunteered to help out at the Learn to Knit table. I taught how to cast on, changing colours, and a few other techniques but what made my day worth while was ten year old Jacob.Jacob picked up how to knit straight away and knit several rows while he was there. I was so impressed....sniff sniff He just made me so proud. His mom put in an order for a scarf this Christmas.
Woolworth had to get in on the action, so I pulled out the sock...
I introduced Woolworth to a couple of knitting friends and the conversation went down hill from there. From the topic of misbehaving Serta Sheep it went to knitting names for cats to rudely placed bobbles on sweaters. I have a feeling that Woolworth and Lulu are somehow related.
The day ended all to quickly and my clan came to get me. While DH and the kids prepared kabobs for the BBQ, I put together my other gift...a Muskoka chair. This is something I've wanted for a while as it's nice and roomy with a place to put my drink on the armrest. It's my knit outdoors in comfort chair.
On Tuesday DH and I will head out to see Bourne Ultimatum. Because one....I loved the other two movies and two (and perhaps most importantly) it is starring Matt Damon. He is also taking me to dinner to the Outback. This is an Australian themed restaurent complete with didgeridoos along the wall. Funny this is their signature dish is a blooming onion which I'm told by Taph is NOT an Australian dish......but it is GOOD!!!!!
So the secret to a good birthday......spread it over several days. :)
Until next time
Yours in Yarn
The Fibreholic
Happy Birthday. It is mine too.
A great day.
Hooray for extended birthdays! Welcome Woolworth - what a fabulous idea, he's gorgeous. Better keep a close watch on him though, he's got that gleam in his eye....
No idea what a blooming onion is either! Do tell!
Happy birthday and anniversary Hogwarts pal. Many happy returns.
Happy birthday - give the sheep a pat!
You're lucky that Woolworth has been kept well away from young Lulu - you just KNOW she'd be a bad influence.
Those chairs look wonderful!
Cute sheep! And good job on the bday spread. Around here we call it my "birthday week..."
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