Me: This Saturday I'm going downtown to a Knit in Public event.
Teen: Why? You knit in public every day.
She does have a point but off I went to Majors Hill Park with chair and sock yarn blanket in tow. I met up with a group of ladies and had a great number of laughs. This is a picture of my view from my knitting spot under the shade of a tree.

We have a number of Gothic style buildings in Ottawa which equals lots of opportunity for sock mojo. This is the back of the Connaught Building.
While I am content to knit in the seclusion, of my corner of the world, it did make me realize that I miss a regular knitting group.
However, driving for an hour, to get together with a knitting group seems like an awful waste of valuable knitting time. What a conundrum! I need to find something local.....
But this does bring to mind the fact about how much I knit at work. I told you all that I babysit a building but I didn't mention that there are people in this building who walk by me and see me knitting. Lately some of them are calling out numbers....."7 1/2, 9, 9 1/2, 11" they sound suspiciously like shoe sizes. I think these people want socks. HAH!!!! I'll put it on my TO DO list just before the large man's sweater and the car cozy I've been asked for by these people.
A co-worker once gave me the "I can buy socks for next to nothing at Wal-Mart" spiel. (The nerve!!!!)
My reply? "That's because no one likes you enough to give you hand knit socks"
Until next time
Yours in Yarn,
The Fibreholic
Teen: Why? You knit in public every day.
She does have a point but off I went to Majors Hill Park with chair and sock yarn blanket in tow. I met up with a group of ladies and had a great number of laughs. This is a picture of my view from my knitting spot under the shade of a tree.
We have a number of Gothic style buildings in Ottawa which equals lots of opportunity for sock mojo. This is the back of the Connaught Building.
While I am content to knit in the seclusion, of my corner of the world, it did make me realize that I miss a regular knitting group.
However, driving for an hour, to get together with a knitting group seems like an awful waste of valuable knitting time. What a conundrum! I need to find something local.....
But this does bring to mind the fact about how much I knit at work. I told you all that I babysit a building but I didn't mention that there are people in this building who walk by me and see me knitting. Lately some of them are calling out numbers....."7 1/2, 9, 9 1/2, 11" they sound suspiciously like shoe sizes. I think these people want socks. HAH!!!! I'll put it on my TO DO list just before the large man's sweater and the car cozy I've been asked for by these people.
A co-worker once gave me the "I can buy socks for next to nothing at Wal-Mart" spiel. (The nerve!!!!)
My reply? "That's because no one likes you enough to give you hand knit socks"
Until next time
Yours in Yarn,
The Fibreholic
Ooh, good sock knitting comeback - gonna have to use that one! Glad you had a good time. I miss knitting with others, too, but time is precious. Oh for a knitting job - I only manage it in half hour lots over teleconferences although there's an hour's meeting this morning now that I think of it ...
7 wide?
I liked your answer to the lady about Walmart. LOL. Too bad the pictures didn't work. It sounds like a fun day out.
PERFECT comeback!
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