In case you were wondering, updating my blog is what I do while I put off writing an essay.
Usually I just knit, but today I thought that's I'd try this instead.What is it about knitting socks? I love the yarn, the colours, the texture, the feel...the everything. They are the perfect traveling project and go with me every where. Among knitters, the traveling sock seems to be an icon, or a statement of "I was there."
In March 2010 I found myself on the journey of a lifetime. If you recall my unfinished blog entries, I travelled to New Zealand and Australia and of course I brought a socks to work on. For some strange reason I put them away and forgot about them until I started going through my stash of the more yummy yarns. Lo and behold....tadah!!!! My lovely Lorna's Laces socks.
It took me a few tries along with some ripping out to come up with a pattern to use with this yarn but on a trip to Sandbanks Provincial Park, it came to me.Here I am almost at the end of the second sock about an inch from starting the toe. A very exciting moment indeed. I should also mention that this sock yarn is as nice to work with as it is gorgeous.
But wait what is this???? A hidden treasure???? Nah...I just discovered that when using sock yarn that comes in 50g amounts, the leg of the sock makes a wonderful ball holder even when there is not much left. The ball is generally tucked up into the leg but is at the cuff for the picture.
Could anyone blame me for putting off essay writing when I have this temptation sitting next to me???? I can only resist so much for so long.....ohhhhhh is that Malabrigo Sock!!! MUST WRITE ESSAY.........just dont look at the Koigu.....oh no....I looked.....
Or subtitled......yes I am back and of course I am still knitting.
A couple of years ago I went to Rhinebeck and did some stash enhancing. I would called it having S.E.X......but that just attracts the wrong type of crowd. Before going to this fab event, I did my homework. I found out which vendors I should hit first as they were the ones to sell out of the good stuff. (sounds like I was there to buy drugs....doesn't it?) I went straight to a certain retailer to purchase sock yarn that I couldn't get locally (why can't I resist sock yarn???? I may have to work on that weakness one of theses days. But not today!)
This sock yarn is very well known and has been widely publicised by a certain very popular knitting blogger. Needless to say I was quite anxious to buy a skein....or two....or five. Some time ago (as this is a blog post that has been on the back burner for quite some time) I started to knit a sock with said sock yarn. I have never been more disappointed in my life.....BLECH!!!!!
I couldn't believe my eyes.....this was going to be a sock that would never see the light of day. I would never wear these socks nor would I make them for anyone else. I must have been blind when I bought the wonder it was on the seconds rack.
I call this ball of ugly sock yarn.....
I call this beginning of ugly sock.......
Those who have been reading my blog for some time, know that I have been working on the sock yarn.....and despite what I said about the sock yarn.....
It just so happens that the week of February 21-25 I was in Toronto, and that I was there the weekend before and after those dates. It just so happens that I like to walk and although a fair distance, from where I was staying, I walked to Kensington Market. It just so happens as I was aimlessly wandering around, I came upon Lettuce Knits. It just so happens that the Yarn Harlot was not shopping for yarn there, that day. I just so happens that I can't have every thing my way.
It just so happens that two skeins of lovely purple Koigu followed me out of the store that day.
It just so happens that later that week I made a deliberate visit to Romni Wools. It just so happens that I found myself in their basement surrounded by discounted and discontinued balls of wool. It just so happens that Mission Falls has closed their door and Romni has put the remaining Mission Falls stock in their basement. It just so happens that enough 136 merino superwash for a sweater and one ball of sock yarn followed me out of the store.
It just so happens that yarn bought while on holiday doesn't count as stash.
So, it just so happens that I have not cheated on my yarn diet. It just so happens that I know you'll all agree with me on this.
As promised, to myself mostly, here is my first post for my own seven things project. I did what I could, but considering I wasn't around any of my stuff this week, my outs are few and far between.
I brought a small selection of recipes (something else I collect) in one of the folders that I keep them in, to the apartment. One evening I went through them and got rid of a surprising amount of things. These would include manuals for long dead microwaves and recipes collected from newspapers and magazines for dishes that I will never make. If nothing else, it is a start.
My friend Taph made me realize that the time I do spend in the apartment does make me realize just how little I need. This, however, is a tainted view of reality as I am up to my eyeballs in work and have very limited spare time. When spare time returns I will need to return to my happy place and my usual leisure time activities will once again find a space in my life.
Other than a selection of several pieces of paper, I did manage to throw out a cracked chocolate mold. Onward and upward I go and this is just the begining.
I'm back and I've started stalking my favorite blogs again. Don't worry.....if I start stalking you in person then you'll know you're in trouble.
In revisiting some of my favourite blogs, I've discovered a few common threads of wisdom. Firstly the resolution to live more frugally and secondly to learn a new skill or get better at one you already have.
I am on a VERY tight budget. I have to live within my means. I have savings but I'll need those to help set up my own place this summer. I've decided that instead of focusing on not spending and feeling hard done by because I can't afford to get something or just don't have the money for the purchase, I'll focus on what I do have.
This year I took two trips and both times I came back with some seriously gorgeous stash enhancement. The last one was in August and I vowed that I wouldn't buy any more yarn/wool for two years. In December I told someone that I still hadn't bought a single skein, his reply was "that's because you don't have any money". When I told a knitting friend about this conversation her reply was "ok so what have you bought?" I think that it will be the muggle who will keep me on track.
I've bought two sets of DPNs. Since Sept 2nd that is all I've bought. That's it! Yes I know some of you are shocked and at least one of you has fainted. Not to worry though I am consoling myself with some stash diving. Feeling hard done by and having the urge to cast on a new project with something GORGEOUS from the stash, I started a lacy cardi from a wool/cashmere blend. One word comes to mind when I work on this project.....heavenly!!! On further inspection of the stash I have this yarn in two more colours, both with enough to make cardis. That is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have in my stash. I really have no reason to feel deprived, but I think that I'll continue to go cold turkey and refrain from visiting my LYS for the next few months.
My motives are not so much about wanting less, living frugally, needing less or even trying to be environmental as they are more about not being able to buy anything and not wanting to pack up as much when I move. Getting rid of seven things a week won't be hard for someone who can't afford to buy anything. It will mean that I have to examine all my stuff and decide if I really need to continue having it in my life.
Did I tell you that for almost two months DH and I have been sharing an apartment? He lives there one week while I'm at the house and then we trade. I'm at the apartment this week so there is only so much that I can do about culling my un-wanteds, un-neededs and things cluttering my life. I'll see what I can do and let you know what happens.
Here's the goal: get rid of seven (or more) things each week. I'll try for a weekly update and hopefully it will be on Mondays....but you know me.....that may not happen (for example today is Tuesday). Regardless the stuff has to go.
Yes I know that it has been some time since I last posted but things have been happening in my life that I am forced to deal with. These are dark and painful things. These are things that I never thought would ever happen to me. Sad things, hurtful things and heart breaking things.
DH has gotten on a train and is going full steam ahead in the other direction. It has come clear to me that I have no choice in this matter, this is his journey to take. He will not even slow down to look behind him until this matter is well underway and his journey has reached its first destination.
In the meantime, my family has been ripped apart and the house is being prepared to be sold. This summer I will get my own place. I will embark on a new phase of my life as a single woman. Maybe this is something that I should have experienced when I was 20 not at ??. (yeah like you really thought that I was actually going to divulge my real age) How did I get to this point? The answer is never clear. My past, present and definitely future is covered in the thick fog of uncertainty and is being held there by fear. Maybe when I stop being afraid will I be able to face the future head on with the confidence that I know is somewhere deep inside me.
So until that time, as my friend Sarah says "be calm and carry on". My friend Taph tells me, I cannot change the decisions of the past but be mindful of the decisions that I make from now on. Here's to making the very best decisions from now on.
All I can do is cry when I must and laugh when I can and just take it one day at a time.